Special Congregational Meeting

There will be a special congregational meeting on Sunday, August 7th, at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. The sole purpose of the meeting is to vote on calling Pastor Pamela Thorson to serve the Grace Lutheran Church of Erskine. Voting will be by written ballot so an accurate record of the vote may be maintained. A reminder that we need 35 voting members for a quorum. Voting members include all confirmed members of our church.

One Reply to “Special Congregational Meeting”

  1. Mavis Haugom

    Can you please add the Grace Community Food Shelf to the list of things sponsored by the church. Either have a separate area that lists the food shelf?
    Want it more visible to people if you can.

    Currently for August the food shelf at the east entrance of the church is open the 2nd and 3rd Thursday of each month from 10am to 2pm.
    Starting in September, the 2nd Thursday’s hours will be moved to 3pm to 7pm.
    The 3rd Thursday of the month will remain at 10am to 2pm.
    Contact info:
    Telephone number is 218-687-2250
    email: foodshelf@gracechurcherskine.org

    Thank you. Mavis

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