Annual Meeting/Nominations

Good morning! The Grace Lutheran Church Annual Meeting will be held after the service on January 26th, 2025 in the Fellowship Hall. As we prepare for this meeting, there are a number of positions that will need to be filled. The Nominating Committee has been working hard to fill all of the open positions within our congregation.

This committee is asking Grace members to kindly look over the following open positions, and if you feel you would be a good fit, provide them with your name and contact information. If you feel someone else might be the right person, go ahead and nominate them by putting their name down with an “N”. They will then review any suggestions and reach out to confirm.

Any questions, feel free to reach out to Tina F, Mavis H, Renee H, and Keith S. You can either print the sheet below or pick one up in the church office. After completing it, you can either put it in one of the offering boxes in the sanctuary or drop it off in the church office. Thanks!

Click here to open the form below in a new window to print it.

Nominating Form 2025