Worship: October 9th, 2022
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LBW 534
LBW 196
Praise the Lord, Rise Up Rejoicing
Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicing,
Worship, thank, devotion voicing:
Glory be to God on high!
Christ, your cross and Passion sharing,
By this Eucharist declaring
Yours the final victory.
Scattered flock, one shepherd sharing,
Lost and lonely, one voice hearing,
Ears attentive to your word;
By your blood new life receiving,
In your body, firm believing,
We are yours, and you the Lord.
Sins forgiven, wrongs forgiving,
We go forth alert and living
In your Spirit, strong and free.
Partners in your new creation,
Seeking peace in ev’ry nation,
May we faithful foll’wers be.
WOV 771
Go, My Children, with My Blessing
“Go, my children, with my blessing,
never alone.
Waking, sleeping, I am with you,
you are my own.
In my love’s baptismal river
I have made you mine forever.
Go, my children, with my blessing,
you are my own.”
“Go, my children, sins forgiven,
at peace and pure.
Here you learned how much I love you,
what I can cure.
Here you heard my dear Son’s story,
here you touched him, saw his glory.
Go, my children, sins forgiven,
at peace and pure.”
“Go, my children, fed and nourished,
closer to me.
Grow in love and love by serving,
joyful and free.
Here my Spirit’s power filled you,
here my tender comfort stilled you.
Go, my children, fed and nourished,
joyful and free.”
“I the Lord will bless and keep you,
and give you peace.
I the Lord will smile upon you,
and give you peace.
I the Lord will be your Father,
Savior, Comforter and Brother.
Go, my children, I will keep you,
and give you peace.”