“Monumental” Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School will be MONUMENTAL this year! Music, science lessons, games, snacks-all focused on God’s Monumental love for us.

Join us August 1st – 4th, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Classes are available for those entering PreK through 6th grade. (Students entering grades 7 and up are encouraged to come and help!) You do not need to be a member of Grace to attend; invite your friends! There is no cost.

There are also many ways to volunteer and support our VBS ministry. We need adults interested in teaching easy-to-follow lessons each night. Don’t feel like teaching? You can lead games, music, snack, or our science center. Other ways to help include assisting with registration (checking kids in) each night as they arrive, serving a snack after our family program, or even helping decorate before VBS starts.

Use this link to quickly register students for VBS and to sign up to volunteer:

Questions? Contact us!
Ann Brekken:
218-280-8580 (call or text)
Grace Church:

